Why Hire a Coach?


leap of faith...

It’s kind of funny how we put so much effort into doing the small everyday things that conveniently keep us busy.  We don't give ourselves the time to stop and really think about what is going on in our lives.  Our clever inner critic likes to keep us from really looking at our happiness and working towards the life we want to live.  At the beginning of our relationship, some of my clients say that they are 'kind of happy' or 'I'm doing ok'.  

But is this enough?

If the following sound remotely familiar, it's time to get real and get a coach.  

  • If I have the life I want, then why do I feel flat or stuck?
  • I'm not sure who I am anymore or what I want.
  • Why don't I have as much fun as I used to?
  • What does my ideal life look like?
  • I'm not really sure what I want my life to be?  
  • Who do I want to share it with?
  • Who do I want to become?
  • Who am I already?

For those who have changes to their career:

  • Why am I putting so much time and energy into something I don't like?
  • Maybe this role/organisation doesn't value the same things that I do?
  • Why does my work take so much of my energy but doesn't give me any joy?

For those moving countries and finding themselves adrift in a land of the unknown:

  • How can I be happy here ?
  • I need to make this work for me and my family.
  • How can I make the most of this unique experience?
  • I thought this would be different, why don't I fit in?
  • I know I should feel grateful for this experience but why do I just feel so lost and confused?

What is the cost of doing nothing?

Think about where you will be and what will happen if you don't change anything?  

Where will you be in 2 or even 10 years?  Doing the same thing with the same unsettling feelings?

I can’t magically change your life for the better, BUT I can lead and support you to find your own way there.  Coaching is a partnership where we are both committed 100% to engaging in the coaching process which will bring about change, unearthing your purpose and making meaningful choices about your life and how you want to live it.  

Fear stops us from making changes to our lives.  Our inner critics or saboteurs, those thoughts we have that hold us back, can be loud and they will say anything to try and keep the status quo.  They try to keep us in our comfort zone, without forward movement, without progress, without accomplishing the things that really make us feel happy to be alive.

Yes, status quo shifting is on the scary side of normal. We don’t tend to do scary things by ourselves.  Having someone there to 100% support, challenge and champion you and to keep you accountable makes the journey so much more enriching and at times fun!

Take the leap, test the waters.  It's refreshing.